Wellness Services
Our Students Come First
At Holy Family University, the well-being of our students always comes first. We provide a range of resources to designed to support all of your needs.
Campus Advocacy, Violence Prevention, Education (CAPE)
CAPE is charged with executing a received grant to reduce Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking (DVSAS) on campus. Goals for the upcoming year include the adoption/creation of the mandatory comprehensive prevention training for DVSAS for ALL incoming first year and first year transfer students and have it approved by OVW, hold monthly events on campus surrounding issues related to DVSAS with giveaways, trivia and learning material, and begin the process of creating a Men’s Group on campus to mobilize men in the discussion of DVSAS on campus.
Counseling Services
Our Counseling Services unit provides free, short-term and confidential services focused on developing and educating students about mental health and wellness including teaching skills that help them self-reflect, problem solve, cope with difficult emotions, and establish healthy relationships and interactions with others.
Health Services
The Holy Family University Health Center provides a safe, confidential, respectful place for students to receive access to free basic health services and education for a healthy lifestyle.
Housing & Residence Life
The Office of Residence Life offers an engaging, transformative campus experience through holistic learning opportunities and diverse program offerings. Living on campus is not just about having a place to stay, it's about building your skills in community engagement, cultural competency, health and wellness, and critical thinking.
Student Conduct & Code of Conduct
The Student Code of Conduct contains expectations of appropriate behavior and compliance with University policies and procedures that members of the University are required to follow. The Student Code of Conduct also serves to promote good decision-making and serves to reinforce the importance of exercising proper and due respect for the rights of others.
Student Engagement & Campus Life
The Student Engagement Office staff work collaboratively with campus partners to plan and implement the various programs and offerings
Title IX
The Title IX Coordinator oversees the University's process in regard to review, investigation, and resolution of reports of sexual harassment and sex- and gender-based misconduct, and coordinates compliance.